Arbitrum Featured Retiring Metavaults 1.0 "The current iteration of Metavaults is being deprecated. Why? Because a major player just joined us at the Camelot Roundtable."
APY Featured Metavaults Deep Dive: Backtest & Benefits "Metavaults allow users to farm LPs while hedging both tails of probability in the presence of volatility, improving the payout profile of their LP position in a completely principal-protected manner."
DeFi Featured Dopex Metavaults The brave Knights of Jones have stumbled upon a fascinating discovery while traveling through an enchanted swamp. A door, marked with symbols of an ancient bull, emits a soft glow and the faint smell of jonion. What could be inside?
Dopex Featured Our New rDPX Vault "We’re excited to announce the launch of our highly requested rDPX vaults and put even more composable yield into the pockets of our community members."
Featured Jones DAO's DPX Vaults "We’re excited to announce that Dopex vaults are going live today via a brand new jAsset Vault. Jones DAO is built on top of Dopex and is made stronger every day by the incredible Dopex community."